Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wizard Sticks

So we found a new drinking game (not really a game at all) haha where you tape your empties to the bottom of your beer (preferably cans bottles cause problems) . Who ever has the biggest stick haha, makes the rules. Long story short it gets you wasted haha

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Btech Spotlight Party 1.0 Pre-Game

OOHHHHHH sheeeeiittttt san! Boardertech spot light party pre game footy comin at ya

Boardertech Spotlight Party, Part 1.0 from Brodye Chappell on Vimeo.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Razzies edit

Just alittle raw footy of the first two hand rail seshs of the year chyeaaa

1st jib sesh of season, '08 from Brodye Chappell on Vimeo.